
My City!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Break My Heart For What Breaks Your's

Two days ago, I found out the news that a suspension walking bridge in our village had snapped and killed 9 or 10 people, possibly even more since the last time news has come out on it. Of those killed, 7 or 8 children and 2 teachers. There are 14 others in serious condition, but 70 in all that were injured or killed.

My heart is definitely breaking over this. This bridge was something that we walked across constantly to get to the orphanage and to see children at the high school and other elementary school. I'm just in shock, I can't believe it. Of all the places for something like this to happen, my village, my people. It just really hurts. I very much so want to be there with them right now and to hold them in their pain and to love on them like Jesus because love needs no translation. My heart is anxious to learn names, I want to know if I knew any of those children, which I am really afraid that I might. I just don't know what to say. I'm just hurting so bad and the pictures I see on the internet just make it all the worse. I just keep visualizing being there and seeing that happened and my heart is hurting.

Please be in prayer for the people of Coracora, that God will begin his renewal there. I know He is breaking away the securities of life there and using that to bring Him the glory and to show the people their dependency upon Him. Just pray that the missionaries there are able to translate God's words effectively to them and to love on them with all that they have in this time! Pray for the four of us that lived there for 2 and a half months this past summer, all of our hearts are hurting. It is really so hard being stuck in the US and being helpless, all we can do is pray and wait for e-mails/phone calls of any updates. Pray for the future teams that will be going there this summer. They will be reaping a harvest that was planted this past summer! God is starting to grow His people.